Assignment #98
/// Name: Kabir Virk
/// Period: 6
/// Program Name: Method Call Alphabet
/// File Name:
/// Date Finished: 3/25/2016
// Method Call Alphabet - Yet another program to practice functions, but this time it's function calls only.
public class MethodCallAlphabet
public static void main( String[] args )
a(); // displays a word beginning with A
System.out.print(b()); // returns the word to be displayed
c( true ); // pass it 'true' and it will display a word beginning with C
d(); // displays a word beginning with D
e( 9 ); // pass it the number of letters to display (9)
f( "Frog" ); // displays the word you pass it beginning with "F"
System.out.print(g()); // returns the word to be displayed
h( 1 ); // tell it how many times to display the word (1)
i( 28 ); // pass it any integer and it will display a word beginning with I
System.out.print(j( 3 )); // returns a different word depending on what you pass it (1-3)
k(); // displays a word beginning with K
l( true, true ); // displays a different word depending on the two booleans you pass it
m( false, false ); // displays a different word depending on the two booleans you pass it
n( "Newt" ); // displays the word you pass it beginning with "N"
o(); // displays a word beginning with O and returns a useless value
System.out.print(p()); // returns the word to be displayed
q(); // displays the word
System.out.print(r( true )); // returns a different word depending on if you pass it 'true' or 'false'
s( 6 ); // pass it the number of letters to display (6)
t( "Tarantula" ); // displays the word you pass it beginning with "T"
System.out.print(u()); // returns the word to be displayed
v( 1 ); // tell it how many times to display the word (1)
w( 42 ); // pass it any integer and it will display a word beginning with W
System.out.print(x( 1 )); // returns a different word depending on what you pass it (1-2)
y(); // displays a word beginning with Y
System.out.print(z( false, false )); // returns a different word depending on which two boolean values you pass it
* Don't change anything below here!! *
public static void a()
System.out.print("Ant ");
public static String b()
return "Banana ";
public static void c(boolean doit)
if ( doit )
System.out.print("Crocodile ");
public static void d()
System.out.print("Doggie ");
public static void e(int howmany)
String s;
s = "Elephant ";
int x = 0;
while ( x < howmany )
System.out.print( s.charAt(x) );
x = x+1;
public static void f(String word)
System.out.print(word + " ");
public static String g()
return "Gorilla ";
public static void h(int reps)
int x = 0;
while ( x < reps )
System.out.print("Horseradish ");
x = x+1;
public static void i(int ignoredparameter)
ignoredparameter = 32;
String space = Character.toString( (char) ignoredparameter );
System.out.print("Ice_cream" + space);
public static String j(int whichone)
if ( whichone == 1 )
return "Jambalaya ";
else if ( whichone == 2 )
return "Juniper ";
return "Jackrabbit ";
public static void k()
// the bird OR the fruit
System.out.print("Kiwi ");
public static void l(boolean a, boolean b)
if ( a && b )
System.out.print("Lettuce ");
System.out.print("Lhasa_apso ");
public static void m(boolean a, boolean b)
if ( a || b )
System.out.print("Mango ");
System.out.print("Monkey! ");
public static void n(String word)
System.out.print(word + " ");
public static int o()
System.out.print("Orangutan ");
return 1; // just for kicks; the return value doesn't mean anything
public static String p()
return "Parrot ";
public static void q()
System.out.print("Quail ");
public static String r(boolean first)
if ( first )
return "Rabbit ";
return "Radish ";
public static void s(int howmany)
String s;
s = "Snake ";
int x = 0;
while ( x < howmany )
System.out.print( s.charAt(x) );
x = x+1;
public static void t(String word)
System.out.print(word + " ");
public static String u()
return "Ugli_fruit ";
public static void v(int reps)
int x = 0;
while ( x < reps )
System.out.print("Valentine_candy ");
x = x+1;
public static void w(int ignoredparameter)
ignoredparameter = 32;
String space = Character.toString( (char) ignoredparameter );
System.out.print("Walrus" + space);
public static String x(int whichone)
if ( whichone == 1 )
return "X_files ";
return "X_men ";
public static void y()
System.out.print("Yams ");
public static String z(boolean a, boolean b)
if ( a || b )
return "Zanahorias ";
return "Zebra ";
Picture of the output